Today the international human rights day. The 10th December is celebrated as Human Rights Day with the purpose of preserving the right to live with the dignity and pride of human beings.

As the world progresses to progress, still violate the rights of millions of people.

After World War II, the international community seriously discussed human rights. This was the case when the State seized and tortured citizens in the time of Nazism and Fascism.

The UN set up a commission to restore the self-respect of the man who lost his existence. The Commission also issued an International Charter of Rights at an international level.

Then on December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly made a declaration of human rights. The right to language, gender, color and politics was the right to all human beings. This human rights record was approved by the UN member states.

But in 2018, when the UN proclamation is 70 years, millions of people have been denied access to their rights as hell.

Reahinkyakal the need to flee from their own country, refugees, tens of thousands of the Taliban in Afghanistan due to attacks by the colonial abhayart'thikalakenti sain'yattinumitayil

keanneatukkappetunna Afghan nationals, in Syria, the name of the state and tivravadagruppukaluteyum, Xinjiang province,

China, a descendant of uygur Pidanattinirayavunnavar of the state prisons for irannatinre. So that line of maturity. But it is hoped that awareness about human rights has arisen globally.